* @namespace shifty
import { processTweens, Tweenable, tween } from './tweenable'
import * as token from './token'
Tweenable.filters.token = token
export { processTweens, Tweenable, tween }
export { interpolate } from './interpolate'
export { Scene } from './scene'
export { setBezierFunction, unsetBezierFunction } from './bezier'
* @external Promise
* @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise}
* @callback {Function} shifty.easingFunction
* @param {number} position The normalized (0-1) position of the tween.
* @return {number} The curve-adjusted value.
* @callback {Function} shifty.startFunction
* @param {Object} state The current state of the tween.
* @param {Object|undefined} [data] User-defined data provided via a {@link
* shifty.tweenConfig}.
* Gets called for every tick of the tween. This function is not called on the
* final tick of the animation.
* @callback {Function} shifty.renderFunction
* @param {Object} state The current state of the tween.
* @param {Object|undefined} [data] User-defined data provided via a {@link
* shifty.tweenConfig}.
* @param {number} timeElapsed The time elapsed since the start of the tween.
* @callback shifty.scheduleFunction
* @param {Function} callback
* @param {number} timeout
* @typedef {Object} shifty.tweenConfig
* @property {Object} [from] Starting position. If omitted, {@link
* shifty.Tweenable#get} is used.
* @property {Object} [to] Ending position. The keys of this Object should
* match those of `to`.
* @property {number} [duration] How many milliseconds to animate for.
* @property {number} [delay] How many milliseconds to wait before starting the
* tween.
* @property {shifty.startFunction} [start] Executes when the tween begins.
* @property {shifty.renderFunction} [render] Executes on every tick. Legacy
* property name: `step`.
* @property
* {Object.<string|shifty.easingFunction>|string|shifty.easingFunction}
* [easing] Easing curve name(s) or {@link shifty.easingFunction}(s) to apply
* to the properties of the tween. If this is an Object, the keys should
* correspond to `to`/`from`. You can learn more about this in the {@tutorial
* easing-function-in-depth} tutorial.
* @property {Object} [data] Data that is passed to {@link
* shifty.startFunction}, {@link shifty.renderFunction}, and {@link
* shifty.promisedData}. Legacy property name: `attachment`.
* @property {Function} [promise] Promise constructor for when you want
* to use Promise library or polyfill Promises in unsupported environments.
* @typedef {Object} shifty.promisedData
* @property {Object} state The current state of the tween.
* @property {Object} data The `data` Object that the tween was configured with.
* @property {shifty.Tweenable} tweenable The {@link shifty.Tweenable} instance to
* which the tween belonged.
* Is called when a tween is created to determine if a filter is needed.
* Filters are only added to a tween when it is created so that they are not
* unnecessarily processed if they don't apply during an update tick.
* @callback {Function} shifty.doesApplyFilter
* @param {shifty.Tweenable} tweenable The {@link shifty.Tweenable} instance.
* @return {boolean}
* Is called when a tween is created. This should perform any setup needed by
* subsequent per-tick calls to {@link shifty.beforeTween} and {@link
* shifty.afterTween}.
* @callback {Function} shifty.tweenCreatedFilter
* @param {shifty.Tweenable} tweenable The {@link shifty.Tweenable} instance.
* Is called right before a tween is processed in a tick.
* @callback {Function} shifty.beforeTweenFilter
* @param {shifty.Tweenable} tweenable The {@link shifty.Tweenable} instance.
* Is called right after a tween is processed in a tick.
* @callback {Function} shifty.afterTweenFilter
* @param {shifty.Tweenable} tweenable The {@link shifty.Tweenable} instance.
* An Object that contains functions that are called at key points in a tween's
* lifecycle. Shifty can only process `Number`s internally, but filters can
* expand support for any type of data. This is the mechanism that powers
* [string interpolation]{@tutorial string-interpolation}.
* @typedef {Object} shifty.filter
* @property {shifty.doesApplyFilter} doesApply Is called when a tween is
* created.
* @property {shifty.tweenCreatedFilter} tweenCreated Is called when a tween is
* created.
* @property {shifty.beforeTweenFilter} beforeTween Is called right before a
* tween starts.
* @property {shifty.afterTweenFilter} afterTween Is called right after a tween
* ends.